Here’s a pill that’s going to be hard to swallow.
The country has been on a crisis since its foundation. Granted, we have earned some freedoms and in general things seem to have improved. Some others have tended to become worse, especially during the last 20 years.
The further you look back in time, the more you realize those ruling our country, often come from a handful of wealthy and influential families that have excerpted their power to perpetuate themselves in control. This country fought a monarchy to gain independence, so that immediately rich families could establish their own dominance. I’m not making this shit up, go find out which families have been presidents, representatives, congressman. The real rulers of this piece of land.
Today our country is at the edge of chaos, perhaps a little too close to chaos.
The last few years from our all-time rulers have brought us nothing but poverty, hunger, and anger. Inflation is through the roof, the minimum wage means nothing, and the government uses petty strategies like day without VAT which truly only benefits both the sellers artificially inflating prices to make their cut, while making you believe you are paying less for what you’re buying. All this while you freely give the government very detailed information about where you live, what your email address is and what your social media networks are and what your purchase habits are. A disgusting obsession for information control and data mining.
We know there’s an appalling amount of corruption happening in this country at all levels.
And there’s a high likelihood whoever wins the upcoming elections is going to be in a critical spot to change things around because of how broken our country is. Our country is already set in a collision course, no matter who takes the wheel.
Yup. We seem to be doomed, regardless of who wins (or steals) the election.
However, …
We should still try to change things around. We ought it to ourselves and to those who sacrificed their lives, so we could have the in(famous) democracy we live in right now. We should try and use the flawed system we inherited to try to help this country evolve.
Don’t think for a minute we have really gained independence. This is an ongoing process started over 200 years ago, and we’re not done yet. It is time we set free from the ways that have led our country to the brink of destruction.
I believe it is possible to learn from our difficult situation, until dignity becomes the custom.
The only other alternative seems to be annihilation.